The Perception Coaching Book

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Book cover includes an illustration of a brain, and is titled Coaching for Well-Being, Productivity, and Innovation: Using Perception Coaching with Individuals, Teams, and Organization

For supporting Peer and Mentor Coach development that meet your organization’s unique needs

Perception Coaching is grounded in awareness, engagement, empowerment, and development beginning with sense of self and expanding to understanding others.

A Text-Based Fractal describing the structure of the Perception Coaching Model.
	Coach Preferences
		Interest and Expertise
		Learning Strategies
		Systems and Processes
	Frameworks and Models
		Social- Emotional
		Cognitive- Behavioral
		Opportunity- Hypothesis
	Flexible and Fluent Skills
		Holistic Listening
		Authentic Questioning
		Strategic Responses
	Power and Limits
		Efficient Filter
		Safety First
		Interest Driven
	Process and Potential
		Attention and Observation
		Comprehension and Working Memory
		Long- Term Memory
		Explicit and Implicit
		Addition and Revision
		Metacognition and Ambiguity
Client Goals
	Learning and Growth
		Current Level
		Preferred Strategies
		Support Preferences
	Topics and Subtopics
	Impact Opportunities
		Talent Development
		Emotional Intelligence
		Leadership and Role

The Perception Coaching Model uses a unique Aware, Engaged, Empowered approach to coaching that puts the focus on building productive perspectives and highlighting successes to promote innovation and improve well-being.

Contact Barb if you would like expert program development support, or if you need support developing an internal coaching program.