Whether you are determining a goal, exploring solutions, or implementing a plan, Perception Coaching supports your efforts. We provide executive and performance coaching as well as workshops with clear development paths.
Scheduled cohorts are in-person. Scheduled SparkShops are online with hybrid option. When you schedule coaching sessions, you may select online or in-person.
Coaching and Consulting
Coaching is a development tool that empowers thinking, supports progress, and amplifies your efforts. By creating dedicated time and space to think deeply and act intentionally, coaching clients are positioned to seize opportunities and overcome barriers. Using 45-90 minute sessions, our coaches respond to your preferences by providing unbiased listening, authentic questions, and strategic support for continuous performance improvement.
All coaching and consulting is available for individuals and teams in virtual, face-to-face, or hybrid environments. Your organization or Perception Coaching LLC staff can host our in-person events and sessions. Perception Coaching LLC offices are located in Duluth, Minnesota, USA.
Performance coaching for managers, entrepreneurs, and strategic learners. Focus on finding the right path by prioritizing tasks, implementing talent-based action steps, and talking through successes and challenges to efficiently accomplish goals. Regular coaching enhances the impact, with the added benefit of maintaining long-term focus on what is important. Schedule here; investment $125 USD.
Executive coaching focuses on vision, systems, and opportunities. Think aloud with an unbiased confidential coach to effectively navigate communication, problem solving, risk evaluation, and decisions involving organizational complexities. Leverage our tools to lead your organization, develop your talents, and increase the impact of your efforts. Schedule here; investment 175 USD.
Consulting supports your organization’s evaluation and development of capacity, culture, and initiatives. Perception Coaching LLC’s consulting psychologist provides questions and perspectives to engage leaders with the perceptions and interactions of various stakeholders, and how they can impact the success of the organization. To see if a custom development program, communication system, or other impactful solution meets your needs, schedule your innovation or change leader for an exploratory consult with Dr. Bengtson.
Looking for in-house development? Consider bringing a workshop series or coaching program to your organization for your leaders or teams. Contact [email protected] to request custom content.
All cohorts and workshops (including SparkShops) can be customized and facilitated in-person, online, or hybrid to meet the needs of your organization. Contact [email protected] to request your custom scheduling or content.
Enjoy perspective building development focused on your talents! Develop a habit of investing in yourself with our 90 minute workshops. Each workshop session includes training on key techniques and strategies, and focus topic discussions to add perspectives and enrich learning. Participants are energized with light fare from local restaurants and food artisans. Workshops include coaching sessions or contact points for learning and implementation support; details are included in the following descriptions. Schedule your individual coaching session(s) when it works best for you (before, between, or after the workshop sessions).
Set Your Sail Cohorts
Our unique cohorts include two workshop sessions and an individualized coaching session to create an impactful development experience. Activities and support are designed to increase understanding, adaptation, and implementation to make your participation especially effective for learning and doing. Investment 395 USD.
Perceptive Planning
Find the right tools to organize your schedule and monitor progress.
Benefits: Big picture vision | Schedule the details
Pursue goals, improve well-being, create productive habits, develop your sense of self, or otherwise direct your destiny. Clarify your purpose, create a vision board, and get the support you need to make this your best year yet. Bring your ideas, planners, vision boards, or other organization tools. Don’t have something that works? Explore and use materials we provide, including journals, tagboard, and strengths assessment.
Join the next Perceptive Planning Cohort or save the date for future development:
- Thursdays at 9:00am February 6 & March 6, 2025
- Thursdays at 5:30pm May 8 & June 2, 2025
- TBD August & September, 2025
- TBD November December, 2025
*TBD-to be determined, days and times not yet scheduled
Perceptive Talents
Develop your sense of self with a focus on your talents and interests.
Benefits: Confident sense of self | Empowered communication
Everyone has extraordinary talents; our talents are at work every day helping us understand and navigate the world. Explore ways you can make your talents more visible and develop them into strengths. Intentionally use your talents to target interests and support your efforts.
Join the next Perceptive Talents Cohort or save the date:
- Tuesdays at 11:30am January 7 & February 4, 2025
- Thursdays at 9:00am July 10 & August 7, 2025
- Thursdays at 5:30pm November 6 & December 4, 2025
Perceptive Advocate
Understand your values and effectively navigate needs.
Benefits: Connect with others | Clear communication
Advocating for yourself, ideas, or organizations starts with clear messaging. Discuss ways to effectively share information that meets the needs of everyone involved. Explore how persuasion, sales, and advocacy overlap and the perceptions that must be understood to effectively navigate these waters.
Join the next Perceptive Advocate Cohort or save the date:
- Tuesdays at 11:30am March 4 & April 1, 2025
- Thursdays at 5:30pm September 11 & October 9, 2025
Perceptive Leadership
Set a purpose for clear direction and to inform decisions.
Benefits: Clear priorities | Inspiring communication
Leadership skills create successful endeavors from personal projects to impacting organizations; find your best ways to lead. Explore strategies focused on vision, decisions, and developing capacity to identify your preferences and stretch goals. Discuss successes and hopes for effective leadership practices.
Join the next Perceptive Leadership Cohort or save the date:
- Tuesdays at 11:30am May 6 & June 10, 2025
- Thursdays at 9:00am September 11 & October 9, 2025
Perceptive Management
Coordinate efforts and support others to navigate opportunities and challenges
Benefits: Appreciate Talents | Supportive communication
Management requires understanding goals and processes and effectively sharing when working with others. Explore a variety of adaptive and organizational strategies that benefit both project and people managers. Discuss ways to align strategies with talents and needs to support progress.
Join the next Perceptive Management Cohort or save the date:
- Tuesdays at 11:30am July 8 & August 5, 2025
- Thursdays at 9:00am November 6 & December 4, 2025
Perceptive Leader Development
In need of graduate level, perspective building development? Commit to join our cohort and reserve time to add resources for decision making and social functioning, explore strategies and perceptions, and practice intention every month!
Our unique two-tiered, full year development model includes twelve workshop sessions and twelve individualized coaching sessions. Activities and support are designed to increase understanding, adaptation, and implementation to make participation especially effective for learning and doing. Investment 2400 USD
Participants are provided several key resources such as CliftonStrengths® Full 34, Leader Report, and EQ-i 2.0® Leader Report with complimentary Emotionally Effective Leader® training. Cohort members go beyond what is ‘explained’ by their results to discuss experiences and appropriate applications of assorted psychometric assessments as relevant to leadership topics, strategies, and capabilities throughout the year. These discussions provide foundations for building clear language for performance conversations and as catalysts for insights and development, for participating leaders and those they lead.
Note: Opinions, views, and interpretations of CliftonStrengths®, EQ-i 2.0®, and other shared proprietary resources belonging to other entities are solely the beliefs of Perception Coaching LLC.

While enjoying deep discussions and gaining insights you will be treated to light fare for a productive start to each month in 2025! Register by December 10, 2024 for a bonus coaching session and early assessment access!
Register to join the cohort here!
Need a different day or looking for a more personalized journey? Contact [email protected] to customize your experience or create a team cohort.