Expand your market by partnering for an event!
We Finish Each Other’s Sentences…Not as Powerful as it Sounds
Finding innovation in teams who are close and have history
Focus: shift thoughts from assumptions...
Join us for Small Business Saturday! Give the Gift of Seeing Your Talents in a New Way!
We'll be open 10-4 on Small Business Saturday this year!
Coaching is a great gift for yourself or others! Having a...
Reframing Challenges as Opportunities Set Your Sail V1.20
It's easy to get weighed down with challenges when you're trying to get things done. Here is a technique to try to see if you can be productive in a more positive...
Out of the Office Opportunities and Connections Set Your Sail V1.19
We’re at the St Louis County Health and Human Services Conference this week!
Ways Your Beliefs Are Hindering You! Set Your Sail V1.18
Beliefs guide an individual's perceptions, decisions, and goals. Most core beliefs are established long before the age of 10 years old. So...how are yours working for...
Like Riding a Bike? It is (Not) That Easy! Set Your Sail V1.15
Like Riding a Bike is an idiom that infers ease-if you have developed a skill you always can use it. Is this always the case?
How to leverage all those personality tests! Set Your Sail V1.13
Assessments also have the power to improve collaboration when their terms are used regularly in positive, productive conversations about workplace approaches and behaviors.
Focus on these 5 Areas to Bolster Your Productivity! Set Your Sail V1.10
5 factors to consider when increasing productivity is the goal. Consider which of the 5 best support your efforts!
Set Yourself Up for a Successful Quest! Set Your Sail V1.7
Once you commit to the right project, set yourself up for success with a plan that considers available resources and an effective first step!