Dr. Bengtson created Perception CoachingĀ® to develop and support engagement and performance in the workplace. Increasing access to Perception CoachingĀ® for more...
Join us for Small Business Saturday! Give the Gift of Seeing Your Talents in a New Way!

We'll be open 10-4 on Small Business Saturday this year!
Coaching is a great gift for yourself or others! Having a...
Ways Your Beliefs Are Hindering You! Set Your Sail V1.18

Beliefs guide an individual's perceptions, decisions, and goals. Most core beliefs are established long before the age of 10 years old. So...how are yours working for...
How to leverage all those personality tests! Set Your Sail V1.13

Assessments also have the power to improve collaboration when their terms are used regularly in positive, productive conversations about workplace approaches and behaviors.
Be More Productive, Focus Your Talents! Set Your Sail V1.8

Focus on supporting your ability to get things done; develop your personal productivity formula (pages 3-4)! This issue focuses on productive spaces and energy.
Commit to the Decision! Set Your Sail V1.6

Prioritize and set aside time to affirm commitment
Productivity: Start with Good Decisions! Set Your Sail V1.5

Get March started with good productivity practices
Focus on Talents and Create Success! Set Your Sail V1.4

Best path to success-grow your natural talents!
See Talent in Action: Set Your Sail V1.3

How do your talents naturally support your efforts?
Keep Talent Front of Mind: Set Your Sail V1.2

Keep your talents in mind and experience more flow!