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We Finish Each Other’s Sentences…Not as Powerful as it Sounds
Finding innovation in teams who are close and have history
Focus: shift thoughts from assumptions...
How Embedded Coaches Think and Behave to Empower Excellent Workplaces
What does an internal coach do?
The main responsibility of internal coaches is to responsively support others...
Support Your Organization’s Authentic Connections and Unique Capacity
Why internal coaches?
Improving employee retention and productivity positively impacts both the culture of an...
The Essential Perception Coaching® Book is Available Now!
Dr. Bengtson created Perception Coaching® to develop and support engagement and performance in the workplace. Increasing access to Perception Coaching® for more...
Join us for Small Business Saturday! Give the Gift of Seeing Your Talents in a New Way!
We'll be open 10-4 on Small Business Saturday this year!
Coaching is a great gift for yourself or others! Having a...
Out of the Office Opportunities and Connections Set Your Sail V1.19
We’re at the St Louis County Health and Human Services Conference this week!
How to leverage all those personality tests! Set Your Sail V1.13
Assessments also have the power to improve collaboration when their terms are used regularly in positive, productive conversations about workplace approaches and behaviors.
Apply your learning to make it useful! Set Your Sail V1.12
Gallup at Work learning. And a page on talents: what occupies your mind is influenced by your talents, and vice versa!